What if I see the Vision all Around me?
Just to make sure there isn’t any confusion regarding the shape and pattern of the vision, it seems wise to make a general common-sense comment regarding it. Making drawings of the vision doesn’t mean that one is experiencing the vision. Creating the pattern artistically for its own sake doesn’t mean one has had the vision. Putting a tattoo of the vision on one’s body doesn’t mean one has had the vision. I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point.
Now in the Eastern traditions, from what I’ve read and studied one of the images a practitioner is encouraged to meditate on is on the mandala itself, and it is said that you can gain enlightenment just from this. Though understanding that the shape and form of the mandala is the shape and form of the vision could bring an epiphany or the enlightenment of the understanding of the vision itself, from my experience, just meditating on the image, holding the image in one’s mind doesn’t just spontaneously bring about the mystical experience of the Beatific Vision to the practitioner.
Since I’ve had the experience itself and know and understand it’s workings to the depths that I’ve understood it, meditating on what I’ve experienced afterwards and re-visualizing it in my mind has not instantly produced the experience again. Each of the steps that I’ve attempted to outline regarding the ascent to the experience appear to be necessary in order to have the experience and to experience it more than once. It doesn’t just randomly occur because of something one is doing to bring it about including the drug use version of the experience. There is still the blessing of the experience required.
Though obviously, what would be the point of following any of the steps along the Narrow Path if it didn’t help produce, generate, or bring one into a state of worthiness before the Throne of God in order to more easily receive the blessing. . . . . .yet God in God’s great mercy can still bless the experience to whomever, whenever, according to His most glorious mercy, whenever and wherever God so chooses.
As I’ve hopefully explained, how else can I make sense of having had the experience when I wasn’t expecting it, wasn’t worthy in any manner and doused with a mind full of drugs, along with experiencing it by following the steps and the process along the Narrow Path?
Many things to ponder upon.