Unlocking the Mysteries of the Beatific Vision of God

podcast Transcripts

Podcast Transcript - Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast Intro-Trailer

Hidden deep within each of us is a mystery.
This mystery is the well from whence life emerges
death consumes
and truth shines forth.
Within us exist all answers
to all the questions of human existence
that have been pondered across the ages.
It is an inner quest and journey to ask and solve
the riddles of our own existence.
Who and why am I?
Why am I here?
Yet an invisible fortress guards the answers to these mysteries.
And the enigma is that we are both
the fortress guarding our own true selves
And already possess the key to unlocking
our hidden and inner mysteries.
To Know Thyself has always been the key of knowledge.
But to experience Truth itself
Is what truly opens the mind
To the soul of eternity.
Knowledge and experience,
Objectivity and subjectivity,
To think, to know,
And the harmony of both
Within us.
The Narrow Path is the same and different.
Those that walk it are the same and different.
The questions that you ask are the same and different.
The answers that you discover are the same and different.
But there is one thing that unites;
There is one thing that is the same
even if it’s been depicted as different,
There is one experience
at the foundation of all truth
regardless of the path
or the methods of finding
And walking the path.
It is the Vision,
The mystical vision;
An epiphany, gnosis, enlightenment,
The end goal
That is seen
With eyes that do not see
By all that have seen:
The Beatific Vision of God.

Welcome to the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast.

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