Unlocking the Mysteries of the Beatific Vision of God


This final Ending section of the Vision Explained Deeper summarizes the vision mystically with the deeper interpretations of Logos and micro and macrocosm while also providing a massive transformative purpose through the proposed unification of all human thought through its use of the spiral image.



As you can tell, simply based upon how many images I’ve been able to procure for this website I could keep describing these types of things and to be honest, I’m just giving you the base foundation of the pattern for that which is seen during the mystical experience of the Beatific Vision of God.


Each and every culture or religion has far greater detail regarding each aspect of either the number of rings or what each ring or revolution stands for; symbolizing the rings or circles of heaven or the processions of the wandering stars or planets if it was a cosmological explanation.  The number of rings usually relate to a number that’s seen as holy in some way by the culture or the religion as well.  I never got into the whole number stuff, so I haven’t spent time memorizing that type of detail but the depth of such things are within each system of thought, it’s just not my purpose to get into that level of detail.


Along with this are the descriptions for the number of petals and or what each petal or spoke of the flower or wheel image stands for, or what it means or symbolizes, again, within the worldviews of each individual religion or cultural tradition or if they no longer mean anything in a secular country that has forgotten or chosen to forget this legacy of the meaning given to such sublime imagery used by the entire human family since who knows how far back.


I barely mentioned angels, or the rich history of the angel symbol since obviously the winged messenger descending from on high is the mystical experience and vision as Isaiah and the Virgin Mary speak of in the Bible, as well as Muhammad and the angel Gabriel in Islam.  Hopefully after listening to the native shaman section, the reason why angels have been depicted with bird like wings of shining, brilliant, glorious and almost sizzling prismatic light and power is now known if it wasn’t known prior, including the terribleness that’s been described of their voice, or the awe or fear that pulverizes the human when they hear the voice as indicating the vibratory non-sensory based experience of internal sound exploding from an unknown location, somewhere beyond the human mind yet still extending outward and inward, permeating the physical mind and body when the Lord begins to speak which is why it’s so hard to explain that one can both see this experience as purely visionary as well as totally physical since it happens in the entire body-brain-mind-soul connection or the total experience of what it is to see, feel and think as a human being.


I hadn’t stuck my nose in the Bible to read beyond quoting stuff over the past couple of months, so I started again in the Gospel of John and instantly my Spidey-sense was tingling in Chapter 1: 47-51, when Jesus calls Nathaniel.  And Nathaniel believes him because Jesus tells him: “before Philip called you, I saw you when you were under the fig tree.” (Catholic World Press. 1997)  This is the same astonished reaction I spoke of with Peter and the fish, and remember, astonished or awe is the typical reaction to angels and visions and Nathaniel instantly calls Jesus the Son of God and the King of Israel after this little exchange.


If you’ve been following along with anything in this website up to this point, the images in this gospel account should instantly bring to mind the vision of the gourd plant in Jonah.  Since if you look at either the leaf of the fig tree as the spoked wheel image or the underbelly of the hanging fig fruit itself, they are both the symbol and pattern of the mystical vision and are basically the exact same vision as the gourd plant in Jonah.  So now think about it.  The narrative doesn’t say that when Philip found Nathaniel that he’d been under the fig tree then and there.  It’s Jesus that points this out to him on purpose.  This was a mystical vision Nathaniel had had at some unknown other point in time and Jesus tells him that He saw him under the fig tree, that is, under the vision itself.  This is Jesus literally telling Nathaniel that in the mystical vision that he witnessed while under the fig tree at whatever point it had occurred, it was Jesus himself that was looking down upon him in the Beatific Vision of God that he’d had prior to meeting him physically.


Does Nathaniel’s reaction make better sense now?  So right there another mystical vision of the Beatific Vision of God occurring both as a visionary mental experience alongside the physicality of meeting Jesus Himself, the Son of God and the actuated manifested and incarnated Logos of the Mind of the Father, the second person of the Trinity right within the pages of the New Testament itself that doesn’t show up in the footnotes of the text, nor have I ever heard this interpreted as such.  I’m telling you I’m like a lodestone for this right now.


In the Bible I opened up, the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, it starts talking about an interesting cultural norm about inviting neighbors under the fig tree along with some messianic stuff about branches and peace in the book of Zechariah.  In the New American Catholic Bible, it also speaks of the same messianic imagery and symbolism.  For good measure, I looked up some other translations.  They’re all about the same, and none of the notes speak about this though a few at least hypothesize about some type of mind power of Jesus possibly having occurred at that moment or of God knowing one’s thoughts, but nothing making the connection to Jonah and his vision of the gourd plant.


What’s also interesting is in the Ignatius Bible Jesus says Nathaniel is without guile, but in the New American Bible, it says he’s without duplicity.  Considering this is a mystical vision Jesus is referring to that had already occurred to Nathaniel, coupled with Jesus saying elsewhere that before He physically called his apostles, that he already knew them: meaning he’d come to them in some manner in the Beatific Vision prior to his physically coming, I’ll say that duplicity is the more correct way of interpreting this since he’s saying that Nathaniel has overcome duality, or the paradox of opposites through the mystical vision that he had under the fig tree.


Interesting note regarding visions and the fig trees, St. Augustine says that he flung himself down under a fig tree as well, after which the LORD came and spoke to him.  The key words he says after flinging himself down though, are, “how I know not.”  How would he not know how he flung himself down under the fig tree?  Unless he’s not speaking physically but is referring to something mentally or spiritually having occurred: the Beatific Vision of God.  This is why he then hears the voice speak to him.


So, if that hasn’t been clear either, the combination of understanding the experience of Nathaniel in the Bible along with connecting the match with Jonah should shed perfect light on these both having been mystical experiences and visions of God.  Nathaniel’s is just incredible since Jesus physically tells him that He’s the one that saw him in the mystical experience he had had prior to this physical meeting.  So yeah, he fell on his knees and worshipped him as the Son of God and the King of Israel.


I also forgot to compare the structure of DNA to the caduceus of Hermes which makes sense as a symbol for DNA even if scientists simply borrowed it due to it having been the symbol of Hippocrates, and probably Asclepius as well, alongside being the modern symbol for medicine in general.  But it is also the symbol for the Kundalini serpents in Hindu thought, Jacob’s Ladder in the Old Testament, as well as the Ouroboros in Celtic and Norse myths, along with the mythical creatures on what is shown as intertwining on the palate of King Narmer, the supposed first Pharaoh of Egypt. . .



Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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