Podcast Transcript - Season Three Trailer
The Mysteries. . .
What are they
And why should I seek to understand them?
Mysticism. . .
What is it really
And how do I differentiate
From what is real mysticism,
And what is opportunistic charlatanism?
Manifestation, Creative Thought, Law of Attraction. . .
Do these teachings really grant wishes?
Are these really real?
Are these part of the Ancient Mysteries
That continue to teach and inspire today,
Or are they newly created
Out of a modern mysticism?
Are these the secret teachings
Of the gnostic and occult,
The secret teachings of Christ Himself,
That grant one unlimited wealth and power?
Or are they a mental abyss
Meant to entrap one
Within a fantasy land of illusion,
While their pockets are pilfered of actual earned wealth?
How easy it is to fall prey to the charlatan mystic,
Now, as it has been throughout all history.
How easy it is to become a charlatan mystic and prey on others,
Now, as it has been throughout all history.
There are many paths,
But in truth there are three.
The left path,
The right path,
The middle or narrow path.
Those that would study, learn, practice and implement the mysteries
To better their lives,
Heal their mind and soul,
Commune with and know God,
Will wander from one pole to the other
As they journey ever deeper
Upon the quest to obtain
Knowledge of the Self.
What is and is not true within the Mysteries
Or the mysticism centered on union with God?
What is and is not true within the mysticism
That is centered on obtaining magical power and wealth?
The pure of heart
Can become rotten.
The rotten heart
Can become pure.
The mystery of the fall
The mystery of the redemption and reconciliation
All occurs within the battlefield of our soul
And all engage in this inner battle
Whether they are aware of it or not.
The Lord said
He did not come to bring peace upon the Earth,
But a sword.
I have risen
I have fallen
So many times to have lost count.
But my sword has become sharp
From cutting through the weeds
Of my own mind.
It’s time to use it
And cut through the fat
That has grown
Within the hallowed halls
Of the true Mysteries
And true Mysticism.
Welcome to Season Three of the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast
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