Unlocking the Mysteries of the Beatific Vision of God


About Writer and Mystic Jonathan Enderica

For some reason writing an About page is extremely difficult for me.  Maybe that stems from a false sense of modesty considering the mystic experiences I believe I’ve had or true modesty in focusing on the experience and what is seen versus me, Jonathan Enderica, having had the experiences.


What I know is my purpose is a desire for peace.  The angry vitriol and condescension from the scientific community that drew me outward, the war of words now and the blood spilt between the large and small fractured Christian communities, the hatred from a portion of the Muslim world, seeing the return of pagan magical rituals and ideas in a spiritually starved Western world and the attempt to wrap my head around the alien abduction and UFO experience, my mind desired peace and if my mind desires it, others must seek for it as well.


Every worldview is eternally different, yet each are connected at a deep and foundational level. 


If I could but find what connected them and show it somehow maybe some measure of peace between the war of ideas that spills out into culture and beyond could occur?


If I am at least able to show the commonality of the experience that has produced this diversity through a single repeating image and pattern that has brought about belief in God, then maybe I have taken a step towards reaching this goal.


My wish is that by showing the commonality of the mystical experience itself, that a deeper understanding of the great mystery of God will penetrate the mind of humanity. 


The true mystical experience

is what Catholic Christians call

the Beatific Vision of God.

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